Welcome to Rod Orellana's

Real Estate & Energy Advisor Site

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I am always here for your Real Estate and Energy Advisor needs!

Email Rod directly at rod.orellana@gmail.com

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About Rod Orellana

Rod has been an active Registered Energy Advisor since 2012 with various organizations throughout the Greater Toronto Area. He has worked with Social Housing, Low Income, Greener Homes, Home Winterproofing and more programs and has visited over 10,000 homes to date. To find out more, click on the picture below.

I am also a Real Estate Salesperson with Red Apple Real Estate in Newmarket. I’ve enjoyed helping people with their Real Estate needs in the Greater Toronto Area since 2016

Working in both fields has helped Rod Orellana do and enjoy what he loves – helping new people every day. It keeps him sharp and helps with his understanding of homes, new and old, in order to best help customers and clients in Real Estate with their biggest investments!

An Energy Saving Video and a Video on what Energy Advisors do!

Need more information? Send me an email or drop me a line.